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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

GOP, eyeing Hill takeover, mulls energy and climate agenda

It may seem early, but Republicans are already plotting out a climate and energy agenda should they win control of Capitol Hill come 2023. But whether a Republican-controlled Congress would work with President Biden on those issues is another matter altogether…

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Gas Plant

EU must reduce reliance on Russian gas supplies

Megan Greene’s op-ed (Opinion, December 16) is right that near-term US sanctions against Russia have very limited effectiveness. This is precisely why the EU must pursue longer-term strategies to reduce Russian sway, including cutting the EU’s costly reliance on Russian natural gas…

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President Biden points at a graph during a briefing Monday with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and other officials.

Biden walks a careful line on climate after tornadoes

President Biden is navigating a politically fraught path on climate change after last weekend’s deadly tornadoes, stopping short Monday of directly blaming global warming for the disaster but emphasizing the storms’ extreme nature and ordering officials to get more definitive answers…

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Tesla Charging

Missing from Biden EV plan: State support for charging

If state regulators approve, 5,100 households in Kansas and Missouri will get one-time rebates of up to $500 over the next five years to help wire their homes for electric vehicle chargers — a missing piece in the Biden administration’s drive for EV dominance by the end of the decade…

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Xi Jinping, President Joe Biden and Putin

Can America prevent a global warming cold war?

At the 11th hour of climate negotiations in Scotland last week, the U.S. and China released a “Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s” outlining increased cooperation on a wide range of climate and clean energy topics…

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Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

DOE girds for House Republican oversight

The Department of Energy, critical to deploying President Joe Biden’s clean energy and climate goals, will likely be facing a two-year onslaught of subpoenas, hourslong hearings and letters demanding information now that Republicans have…

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