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Kamala Harris

Does Harris still want to ban fracking?

Kamala Harris ran for president five years ago on a progressive platform that included the Green New Deal and banning fracking nationwide. But now that she’s even closer to getting to the White House, it’s unclear if…

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Trump and Biden

Power Switch: About last night

‘Bad night all around’ — If there’s one thing Americans seem to be in agreement on, it’s that last night’s presidential debate was … not good. Former President Donald Trump spewed a deluge of false information, while Biden struggled to…

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Electric Vehicle Charging Graphic

Angst Grows in US Over China’s EV Dominance

China’s surging exports of cheap electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a focal point in already fraught US-China tensions, putting Washington on the defensive over safeguarding US industry. As China boasts EV sales of…

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Orioles fan

It’s easy to be romantic about this Orioles team

In “Moneyball”, the best movie about modern baseball, Brad Pitt portrays Oakland Athletics General Manager Billy Beane who cleverly uses analytics and shrewd talent judgment to propel his low-rent A’s to the playoffs…

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The Washington Post Logo

Biden should push plug-in hybrids, not just EVs

The battle for the climate will require electrifying America’s transportation system. But the Biden administration’s effort to push drivers into electric vehicles is unrealistic – and it risks setting back the country’s…

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Kamala Harris

Does Harris still want to ban fracking?

Kamala Harris ran for president five years ago on a progressive platform that included the Green New Deal and banning fracking nationwide. But now that she’s even closer to getting to the White House, it’s unclear if…

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Trump and Biden

Power Switch: About last night

‘Bad night all around’ — If there’s one thing Americans seem to be in agreement on, it’s that last night’s presidential debate was … not good. Former President Donald Trump spewed a deluge of false information, while Biden struggled to…

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