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China may be close to a climate tipping point

 If you want to be hopeful about the world’s chances of tackling climate change, look to China. It is such a force in the electric car market that, last year, for the first time, it became home to more than half the electric vehicles on the world’s roads. An equally…

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Protesters outside white house

Is Joe Biden a climate champion?

There is no doubt that climate activists scored a major win last week when President Joe Biden announced a pause in approvals of liquefied natural gas export terminals. In fact, Biden gave a nod to their pressure when making the decision by…

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A liquefied natural gas tanker and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

Biden administration freezes gas export approvals

The Department of Energy is pausing approvals of liquefied natural gas exports while it conducts an open-ended analysis of the impacts of the shipments — a move being blasted by fossil fuel groups and applauded by environmentalists who say…

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Electric Vehicle Charging Graphic

Angst Grows in US Over China’s EV Dominance

China’s surging exports of cheap electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a focal point in already fraught US-China tensions, putting Washington on the defensive over safeguarding US industry. As China boasts EV sales of…

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The Washington Post Logo

Biden should push plug-in hybrids, not just EVs

The battle for the climate will require electrifying America’s transportation system. But the Biden administration’s effort to push drivers into electric vehicles is unrealistic – and it risks setting back the country’s…

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